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1 Ace-o-aces  May 12, 2015 9:17:10am

But remember folks, the real threat is Muslims coming from Mexico!

2 CriticalDragon1177  May 12, 2015 11:52:58am


Good thing most Americans, regardless of their “race” won’t participate in their “race war.” Not much of a “race war” is it? Also these fools were lucky to be arrested by the police, because they wouldn’t stand a chance against our modern integrated military.

3 majii  May 12, 2015 2:18:38pm

re: #2 CriticalDragon1177

They keep waiting on us Black Americans to start it, something I’ve not heard discussed by the many, many other blacks I come into contact with. I was reading on the SPLC site last night that the head of the League of the South, Michael Hill, is predicting a race war in the near future, and he thinks that whites will win because of their intellectual superiority to blacks, their huge stockpiles of weapons, and because blacks are “impulsive” and lack the ability to organize to defend themselves. As I read it, all I could think about was the guy’s love for stereotyping and scapegoating. He’s nuts if he thinks all whites or all blacks in America want a race war. He’s also the reason that I have purchased more weapons since 2009. I live GA, and I know I’m likely to encounter one of these nuts at any time. I’m not looking for them or to start any trouble with them, but I refuse to lose my life at their hands.

4 CriticalDragon1177  May 12, 2015 2:38:29pm

re: #3 majii

I read that story as well. Each year that goes by without there being a “race war” these morons become more desperate for one. I have a bad feeling that one of these days one of these sick racist rejects is going to travel to black neighborhood and commit mass murder, with the intent of angering black people, so they’ll start the “race war.”

5 CuriousLurker  May 12, 2015 3:00:52pm

I knew these knuckle-draggers looked familiar—this story is from 2012.

The leader of the group was found guilty September of 2014 and has since appealed his case. Out the other 13 people who were following him, all charges were dropped against 10 of them. I would guess he’s probably still waiting on the appeal. So basically, most of them are still out there.

The case against Faella and 13 followers largely fell apart after their arrests by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force in 2012 drew international attention.

All charges against 10 members of the American Front were dropped before trial. The longest sentence in the case was three years for one member, a convicted felon, who was convicted of illegal weapon possession after being photographed firing a handgun.

A longtime follower of the racist skinhead movement, Faella resigned from the American Front before his recent trial. […]

6 Bubblehead II  May 12, 2015 5:19:18pm


WTF! Never heard of this guy. Presidential Candidate Visits Twin Falls

Originally from Mississippi, Copeland is an ordained minister.
He affirms he is not a politician and says his working background makes him the ideal candidate.

Copeland explained, “my platform is real simple. It’s God, family, country, and I believe that’s the way our founders intended it in our Constitution.”

Is this the best the “Constitution Party can come up with?

7 Bubblehead II  May 12, 2015 5:25:45pm

Charles, a technical question. Is there any way I can tweet a post (from LGF) with out doing a cut and paste? Perhaps another button? Would be nice to tweet another Lizards posts without having to jump through a bunch of hoops.

8 CriticalDragon1177  May 12, 2015 7:02:58pm

re: #7 Bubblehead II

Click the post this tweet button on the top left hand corner of the post. It is a blue button with a little twitter bird on it.

9 HappyWarrior  May 12, 2015 7:57:48pm

Liberals obviously all.//

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